KnoU Romantic Compatibility
Develop Stronger, Longer Lasting Relationships!
The Secret Is In Discovering How To Be More Loving
and Affectionate With Each Other And By Knowing Your
Partner’s Deepest Sexual Needs and Desires.
Romantic relationships can be incredibly rewarding. They can fill your life with a deep sense of joy and well-being, like no other personal experience. All too often, though, they are a source of great frustration and difficulty, requiring more work then you ever expected!

What makes the difference between a relationship that struggles and one that fills your heart with happiness? Why are some couples best friends while others feel like enemies?
Introducing KnoU Romantic Compatibility, A Unique
Guide for Creating A Happy and Fulfilling Relationship
Romantic Relationships have never been easy. More books, songs, and magazine articles have been written about the trials of love then probably any other topic!

My dear friends Jim and Lisa Casey are a good example of what most couples go through, though in their case, there is a happy ending. I have known them for more then 25 years; deeply committed and respectful of each other. If you met them shortly after they got married, though, you would find it hard to believe that they are still in love and happily together today.

Jim and Lisa were lucky, for they stumbled upon an unusual resource early in their marriage that made a big difference. They were able to improve—and perhaps even save—their bumpy marriage with the aid of a Romantic Compatibility Profile. From the very beginning, Jim was always trying to change Lisa, Jim admitted. He always thought that his way was best. But instead of Lisa changing, fights and more fights resulted. Then they had their profile done.

Jim gained a whole new insight about Lisa—what motivated her, why she did things the way she did, what her basic needs were. With this new understanding came new respect. After reading their profile, Jim no longer tried to change her each time she did something differently than he would have. For the first time he realized that she was not trying to be difficult, she was just being herself. Not surprisingly, their fights grew less frequent, and their marriage began to flourish.

Today, this same insight and guidance is available to you with the KnoU Romantic Compatibility Profile. Filled with a great deal of valuable information, this report provides a fresh and profound look at the major influences at work in your lives, both as individuals and as a couple.
Here’s What You’ll Learn About Yourselves
and Your Relationship
Your Ability to Give Love And Affection – how you express your tender, loving side with each other; and how to use this insight to form a closer, more loving bond with one another.
Your Physical Compatibility – how you both approach your sexual relationship together and what you each need and want from the other to bring more joy and satisfaction into this important area of your lives.
Your Sensitivity To Your Own And Each Others’ Feelings – how your emotions and feelings either enhance or detract from creating deeper intimacy with each other, and what you can do to create more trust and openness in your relationship.
Your Mutual Ambitions – what you both want from life and what you’re willing to do to achieve your goals; and how to balance this important part of your lives so as not to strain your relationship.
Your Ability To Communicate – the characteristic way you discuss important matters with each other and how to make your communications clearer and more effective; and how to stop your emotions from getting in the way.
Your Adaptability – how your flexibility and acceptance of each other affects your relationship together; how to express your strengths without pushing your partner away.
Your Ability To Earn A Living – your capabilities to achieve in the business world; should you own your own business, work for someone else or do your talents lie elsewhere. Learn what impact your financial savvy has on your relationship.
Your Relations With Parents, Children and Other Relatives – how you express yourselves and manage when it comes to your children, parents and relatives and how to best share these important responsibilities within the partnership.
Your Sociability – how you approach and relate to others and how to get the most from this interaction; how to share any differences in this important area of your lives so you both get what you need.
Your Approach To Material Affairs – how pragmatic and adaptable you each are when it comes to dealing with everyday life; are you the down-to-earth type or a dreamer when it comes to making important decisions.
Moreover, the Romantic Compatibility Profile is full of practical suggestions that can help you and your partner to have a more meaningful life together. By disclosing your individual strengths and weaknesses and how they affect your relationship together, this report can help you to better understand one another and to make your personal communications more effective. And for new relationships just starting out, what better way to discover how to blossom as a couple than with this revealing profile!
Develop Stronger, Longer Lasting Relationships Now
with the KnoU Romantic Compatibility Profile, only $24.97
Here’s How Other People Have Benefited
From Their KnoU Romantic Compatibility Profiles

“The KnoU Romantic Compatibility Has Helped Me To
Be More Patient And Accepting Of My Partner...”

The KnoU Romantic Compatibility has helped me to be more patient and accepting of my partner, and to understand how and why we interact the way we do.
– David Bruck, Bruck Property Management

“There Are All Those Little Things That We Always
Bicker About—Now It Is Easy To See Why!”

The Romantic Compatibility Report sure gave us a few laughs. There are all those little things that we always bicker about—now it is easy to see why!
– Andrew Dimmock, Seattle, WA

“The KnoU Romantic Compatibility For Me And
My Husband Was Spot On!”

The KnoU Romantic Compatibility for me and my husband was spot on!
– Le’ema K. Graham, San Rafael, CA
Yoga teacher and Author

“The Romantic Compatibility Has Helped To Take The
Onus Off Of The Other Person And Put It In A More
Objective Context...”

The Romantic Compatibility, for me, has helped to take the onus off of the other person and put it in a more objective context, so that I can look at those characteristics about myself and about my partner, Sandra, and get us to a deeper understanding about living harmoniously.
– Michael Ward
– Sandra Harvey, Health Psychologist, Ph.D.

“The Report Remains On My Mind, And Has Proved To Be A
Valuable Tool For Coupling And Personal Growth.”

I got a Romantic Compatibility for myself and my husband. I was surprised at the depth of insight included in the report and the key details that were dead on and specific to each person. The report remains on my mind, and has proved to be a valuable tool for coupling and personal growth. I would recommend this report to anyone.
– Joy Saunders, Technical Editor

“I Only Wish I Had It Ten Years Ago
Before My First Marriage!”

The KnoU Romantic Compatibility report was spot on. I only wish I had it ten years ago before my first marriage!
– Patrick Martin, Contractor
Seattle, WA
The KnoU Romantic Compatibility Profile
Gives Practical and Useful Guidance for only $24.97
How Does It Work?
Everything in the universe vibrates at its own particular frequency. By finding the vibration rate of any object, you can establish the qualities and energies associated with it. By applying the principles of the Science of Numerology, a practice that can be traced back some 10,000 years to Egypt and Babylonia, you can determine your major frequencies.

A numerical analysis of these calculated frequencies—using only your name and birth date as the basic data—provides significant information about your personality and character. Using a combination of modern numerology and practical psychology, the KnoU Romantic Compatibility Profile reveals the meaning of the letters and numbers associated with your names and birth dates—in an unusually helpful way.

By the way, you may be surprised to learn that Pythagoras, who developed many of the basic theorems that form the foundation of present-day mathematics (including the right triangle theorem taught in math classes today) is credited with formally organizing the field about 2600 years ago in ancient Greece.
Extensive Research Validates Accuracy
of KnoU Profiles
Interestingly, extensive research was done on numerology by the Association for Research and Enlightenment, located in Virginia Beach, Virginia. This resulted in the publication of “New Findings In Numerology” by Mark Thurston, Ph.D. in their Venture Inward magazine.

The article summarized their research confirming the validity of numerology using the identical information contained in the KnoU Profiles. Their most significant finding—based on over 1,000 participants—was that the accuracy of these reports was a remarkably high 90%!
Venture Inward article, “New Findings in Numerology”, by Mark Thurston, Ph.D.
What Can It Do For You?
Whether you use the KnoU Romantic Compatibility Profile to understand each other’s needs, confirm your heart felt feelings about you and your partner, or simply to use the many practical suggestions to deepen your love for one another, it can be a penetrating tool to help you better understand yourself and your relationship together.

And if you’re getting serious about a new person in your life, what better way to see if this will be that special someone you’ve been waiting for, or just another passing romance!
Get 2 FREE Special Reports worth $94 when you order
your KnoU Romantic Compatibility Profile for only $24.97
Get 2 FREE Special Reports Worth $94 When
You Order Your KnoU Romantic Compatibility for Couples
When you order the KnoU Romantic Compatibilityyou will get 2 free indepth reports, “10 Winning Strategies for Loving, Successful Relationships” and “Opening The Mind, Igniting The Heart” by Cheryl A. Malakoff, Ph.D., a psychologist and teacher with 25 years experience helping others to realize their true potential.

These special reports are filled with priceless wisdoms that can help you to empower your own life as well as your romantic relationships. Valued at $94, these exclusive gifts are a natural compliment to your profile, and can further enhance your life experience!
FREE Bonus eBook, “10 Winning Strategies for Loving, Successful Relationships”, by Cheryl A. Malakoff, Ph.D. BONUS #1: “10 Winning Strategies for Loving, Successful Relationships”

This perceptive report combines the author’s 25 years of experience working with couples with her deep spiritual insights to give you the important keys that lead to more loving, fulfilling relationships. Discover what makes the difference between a relationship that struggles and one that’s successful, and why some couples are best friends while others feel like enemies. This priceless information can really make a difference, not just in your relationships but in your entire life!.
FREE Bonus eBook, “Opening the Mind, Igniting the Heart”, by Cheryl A. Malakoff, Ph.D. BONUS #2: “Opening The Mind, Igniting The Heart”

Filled with profound, universal truths, this powerful report reveals important life lessons we all experience at one time or another in an easy to read and understand format. The author provides 144 “stepping stones,” based on her own life experiences, to help lead you towards self-empowerment. These truths can also be used as powerful affirmations that act as valuable guideposts for your personal transformation.
Find Out Now What Your Name Reveals About You.
Guaranteed Satisfaction—Over 1 Million People
Have Already Discovered It Works!
This is your chance to find out what the KnoU Romantic Compatibility Profile has to
say about you, your partner and your intimate relationship together.
And, with our 30 Day Unconditional, Risk-Free Money-Back
, you have nothing to lose. If for any reason you’re not 100% satisfied with your reports, just click on the Customer Service link at the bottom of the page to get a full refund—and keep the 2 Free Special Reports as our way of saying thank you for trying the KnoU Romantic Compatibility Profile.
30 Day Money-Back Guarantee

Romantic Relationships have never been easy. Why continue to struggle when the KnoU Romantic Compatibility Profile can really make a big difference in your lives. By helping you to understand—in a whole new way—what really makes your relationship tick, you’ll be further ahead then most couples.

Now is the time to act. Don’t wait another moment to get your KnoU Romantic Compatibility Profile. Life is too short to not be experiencing a more loving and fulfilling relationship!
Get Your KnoU Romantic Compatibility for only $24.97
Developed exclusively for couples, this report can help you to better understand and improve your intimate relationships. Giving you a fresh look at the influences at work in both your lives, this highly insightful report is full of practical suggestions for building stronger and more meaningful partnerships. Learn how to be more loving and affectionate with each other, and sensitive to your own and each other’s feelings. Understand each other’s sexual needs and desires as well as how to improve your communications together. Or, simply find out if this is the right match. This report is a must for all relationships, new and old!
Develop Stronger, Longer Lasting Relationships Now
with the KnoU Romantic Compatibility Profile, only $24.97