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KnoU Life Snapshots $19.97
Discover How to Achieve Money, Status and Power—and Build Confidence and Self-esteem
This exciting report will provide insights into your life's purpose and special abilities, clarify an important area that is key to your growth and show how to turn an inherent weakness into a strength. You'll learn how to achieve money, status and power, build confidence and self-esteem, be more successful in your job, create more joy in your life, improve your relationships, receive more appreciation and attain more personal satisfaction. This report will inspire and encourage you as it helps you to deepen your self-understanding, and is a great complement to the Personality Profile.
“I wish the Life Snapshots was around when I was in my 30s. Back then I had doubts about myself. I was locked into a job I didn’t like and did not know how to get out of it. If I had known then what I know now from this report, I would have jumped and started my own business and done much better then I did.”
– Frank Sternola, President of Starnet