KnoU Life Snapshots $19.97 |
Discover How to Achieve
Money, Status and
Power—and Build Your Confidence and Self-esteem! |
This exciting report will provide insights into your life’s purpose and special abilities, clarify an important area that is key to your growth and show how to turn an inherent weakness into a strength. You’ll learn how to achieve money, status and power, build confidence and self-esteem, be more successful in your job, create more joy in your life, improve your relationships, receive more appreciation and attain more personal satisfaction. You’ll even see how others perceive you. This report will inspire and encourage you as it helps you to deepen your self-understanding,
and is a great complement to the KnoU Personality Profile. |
“I wish the Life Snapshots was around when I was in my 30s. Back then I had doubts about myself. I was locked into a job I didn’t like and did not know how to get out of it. If I had known then what I know now from this report, I would have jumped and started my own business and done much better then I did.”
– Frank Sternola, President of Starnet
Discover Your Special Gifts And How To Use
Them with the KnoU Life Snapshots |
Here’s What You’ll Learn About Yourself |
Understand your life’s purpose, where to find the important opportunities that can lead you to lasting success and personal satisfaction. |
Develop your unique talents and abilities, making the best use of them to achieve greater fulfillment in both your personal and business lives. |
Achieve money, status and power by understanding how to best utilize your unique business skills. |
Uncover the key to growth in an important area of your life that can lead to greater personal satisfaction. |
Build confidence and self-esteem by developing your individuality, while learning how to balance your own needs with the needs of others. |
Turn a liability into a strength by recognizing an inherent weakness present since early childhood that you may not have yet mastered. |
Gain a competitive edge and maximize your potential by clearly seeing your unique strengths while understanding those traits that hinder your growth. |
Be more successful in your job by seeing those abilities that enable you to work effectively in the business world. |
Improve your important relationships by learning to appreciate your loving, caring nature while realizing how to take care of your own needs. |
Start Living Your Life To Its Fullest Potential
with the KnoU Life Snapshots |
How Other People Have Benefited
From Their KnoU Life Snapshots |
“I Wish The KnoU Life Snapshots Was
Around When I Was In My 30s.”
I wish the KnoU Life Snapshots was around when I was in my 30s. Back then I had doubts about myself. I was locked into a job I didn’t like and did not know how to get out of it. I had a child and a wife to support and was afraid to make a change. If I had known then what I know now from the Life Snapshots, I would have jumped and started my own business and done much better then I did.
– Frank Sternola
President of Starnet |
“It Explains Why I Can Never Make Any Decisions!”
Thank you for the profiles, they were all great! The Life Snapshots had a few parts that seemed to conflict - but that describes me well! That also explains why I can never make any decisions! I seem to redefine myself every few years and it was nice to be able to see a “bigger picture” life path behind all of my crazy adventures.
Thanks again. I’ll soon be ordering more for my friends!
– Jade Burris |
“I Am So Impressed With The Accuracy And
Depth That This Profile Contains.”
I just wanted to let you know how beneficial my profile has been. The Life Snapshots was right on. I am so impressed with the accuracy and depth that this profile contains. I have had numerology readings and astrological charts done but nothing has been so thorough as this. I refer back to it often! Thanks for doing such good work!
– Susan Maguire, Advanced Skin Care |
“It Talked About My Excellent Leadership Ability
And My Strong Organizational Skills.”
I found the Life Snapshots profile to be right on target. It talked about my excellent leadership ability and my strong organizational skills. It also talked about how it was important for me to express my strong independence, which I really needed to be reminded of.
– Mardi Allen, Dallas, Texas
Life Coach, Author & Speaker |
“It Reminded Me That I Am An Intelligent Woman And
Can Expand My Interest Base Of Knowledge.”
The statement in the KnoU Life Snapshots about having “a limited belief in myself” pushed my buttons. Upon reflection and talking with my spouse, he reminded me that I do verbally express that I feel inadequate about areas out of my expertise. It reminded me that I am an intelligent woman and can expand my interest base of knowledge.
I highly recommend the KnoU Profiles to everyone, especially younger individuals. As a senior citizen, a great deal of the information I already knew. It was tremendous review and I did learn more about myself.
– Judy Mills, Green Valley, AZ
Licensed Massage Therapist |
Discover How To Achieve Money, Status
and Power with Your KnoU Life Snapshots |
How Does It Work? |
Everything in the universe vibrates at its own particular frequency. By finding the vibration rate of any object, you can establish the qualities and energies associated with it. By applying the principles of the Science of Numerology, a practice that can be traced back some 10,000 years to Egypt and Babylonia, you can determine your major frequencies.
A numerical analysis of these calculated frequencies—using only your name and birth date as the basic data—provides significant information about your personality and character. Using a combination of modern numerology and practical psychology, the KnoU
Life Snapshots reveals the meaning of the letters and numbers associated with your name and birth date—in an unusually
insightful way.
You may be surprised to learn that Pythagoras, the famous Greek mathematician who developed many of the basic theorems that form the foundation of present-day mathematics (including the right triangle theorem taught in math classes today) is credited with formally organizing the field about 2,600 years ago.
Extensive Research Validates
Accuracy of KnoU
Profiles |
Extensive research was done on numerology by the Association for Research and Enlightenment, located in Virginia Beach, Virginia. This resulted in the publication of “New Findings In Numerology” by Mark Thurston, Ph.D. in their Venture Inward magazine.
The article summarized their research confirming the validity of numerology using the identical information contained in the KnoU
Personality Profile. Their most significant finding—based on over 1,000 participants—was that the accuracy of this report was a remarkably high 90%! The KnoU
Life Snapshots uses the same advanced techniques as used in the KnoU Personality Profile, assuring you of the highest quality reports possible. |
Get 2 FREE Special Reports worth $94 when
you order your KnoU Life Snapshots! |
Get 2 FREE Special
Reports Worth $94—Filled With Priceless
Wisdoms—When You Order Your KnoU Life Snapshots |
When you order the KnoU Life Snapshots you will get 2 free indepth reports, “Opening The Mind, Igniting The Heart” and “10 Winning Strategies for Loving, Successful Relationships” by Cheryl A. Malakoff, Ph.D., a psychologist and teacher with 25 years experience helping others to realize their true potential.
These special reports are filled with priceless wisdoms that can help you to empower your own life as well as your romantic relationships.
Valued at $94, these exclusive gifts are a natural compliment to your
profile, and can further enhance your life experience! |
BONUS #1: “Opening The Mind, Igniting The Heart”
Filled with profound, universal truths, this powerful report reveals
important life lessons we all experience at one time or another in an easy to read and understand format. The author provides
144 “stepping stones,” based on her own life experiences, to
help lead you towards self-empowerment. These truths can also
be used as powerful affirmations that act as valuable guideposts
for your personal transformation. |
BONUS #2: “10 Winning Strategies for Loving, Successful Relationships”
This perceptive report combines the author’s 25 years of experience working with couples with her deep spiritual insights to give you the important keys that lead to more loving, fulfilling relationships. Discover what makes the difference between a relationship that struggles and one that’s successful, and why some couples are best friends while others feel like enemies. This
priceless information can really make a difference, not just in your relationships but in your entire life!. |
Find Out Now What Your Name Reveals About You.
Guaranteed Satisfaction—Over 1 Million People
Have Already Discovered It Works! |
This is your chance to find out what the KnoU Life Snapshots have to say about you—and your family and close friends.
Though personal numerology consultations can cost as much as $250 to get the same kind of information as in your own KnoU Life Snapshots, this expertise is now available to you for just $19.97.
And, with our 30 Day Unconditional, Risk-Free Money-Back
Guarantee, you have nothing to lose. If for any reason you’re not
100% satisfied with your reports, just click on the Customer Service
link at the bottom of the page to get a full refund—and keep the 2
Free Special Reports as our way of saying thank you for trying the KnoU Life Snapshots. |
In difficult times, it’s important to have a competitive edge. The KnoU Life Snapshots can really make a difference by clarifying your unique strengths in a new way while revealing those traits that can hinder your success.
Now is the time to act. Life is simply too short to not be living up to your full potential! Just click the button below to immediately get the KnoU
Life Snapshots for yourself, loved ones and friends! |
Discover Your Special Gifts And How To Use
Them with Your KnoU Life Snapshots |