Fundraising for Non-Profits
Novel Fundraising Approach Provides Generous Revenue Split
With A Personalized, Life-Enhancing Service That Attracts New Donors.

Today, many nonprofits are challenged with meeting their fundraising goals and seek new ways to fund their important missions. You can make a difference for your organization by using a simple, extremely effective income generating opportunity that immediately provides a generous revenue stream to your organization’s bottom line. And at the same time, you’ll be offering a very valuable service to your donors as recognition for their generous support to your cause.

By partnering together, your organization will:

Gain immediate income for your important projects by reaping the benefit of a very generous split of all gross sales.
Attract new donors when existing supporters refer their family and friends after seeing the value of their own profiles, providing you with a new source of contributors.
Make no investment of funds...whatsoever! This includes no fulfillment contribution on your part for services purchased.
Supply a minimum of effort consisting of three e-mail blasts and adding a webpage to your site.

This is truly your fundraising dream come true—no costly advertising or sponsoring of time consuming special events!

KnoU Profiles is a mission driven company that specializes in helping non-profit organizations fulfill their fundraising goals. This is accomplished by offering in-depth personality profiles based on a person’s name and date of birth. These powerful reports are life-enhancing and provide your members with insightful knowledge of their true selves. These reports have already proven invaluable to over 1,012,000 people who have found these profiles to be an important tool for self-discovery and making positive change in their lives.

How We Helped The Canadian Energy Psychology Conference Raise Needed Funds
Here’s what Sharon Cass-Toole, the Director of the Canadian Energy Psychology Conference, had to say about working with KnoU Profiles to raise much needed funds:

At last year’s energy psychology conference, I was approached by one of our presenters, a psychologist, who was raising money for her research on Duchene Muscular Dystrophy (DMD).

She asked me if I would like to use her program to raise some much needed funds for our own organization, the Canadian Association for Integrative and Energy Therapies (CAIET). I was skeptical at first, but once I checked into this program I was impressed enough to give it a shot.

It was so easy working with Steve and Larry. They wrote the emails for me and all I had to do was send them out—and receive 50% of the revenue. So many people responded and some contacted me to let me know how impressed they were with their KnoU Personality Profile, based on the science of numerology.

I have since got others involved and everyone is happy with their results. So, thanks Cheryl, Larry and Steve for helping us to raise much needed funds.
With gratitude,
Sharon Cass-Toole
Director, Canadian Energy Psychology Conference
President and CEO, CAIET

By partnering with KnoU Profiles, we will support the success of your organization’s mission by providing all the necessary assistance to achieve your fundraising goals. KnoU Profiles is dedicated to helping you succeed.

Please call Larry Malakoff at 949-713-6788 to learn how you can implement this easy and effective fundraising approach today. As the first step, let’s talk and arrange for you and the other decisions makers in your organization to receive your complimentary profiles for evaluation. Once you see the potential in the KnoU Profiles as a fund raising vehicle, we can start planning your campaign together.

We are excited to offer this opportunity to you and begin working together for the mutual benefit of everyone involved, including your donors.

We look forward to your success!