Highly Accurate, Cutting-Edge Numerology Report
Realize Your True Purpose, Real Strengths and Untapped Potential To Shape Your Life in More Positive Ways Than You Thought Possible!
Powerful, New Tool For Self-Discovery Helps You Unlock Your Hidden Strengths and Talents To Create The Life You Were Meant To Live...

magine how your life would be different if you knew the answers to these three essential questions for personal happiness:
- What is the purpose of my life, that when understood, can bring me deeper inner peace, success and satisfaction?
- What special abilities do I possess, but am not using, that can create new opportunities in my personal life and career?
- What obstacles are blocking my unrealized potential, and the ensuing fulfillment that is my natural birthright?
Now, what if the universe—in its infinite wisdom—
did provide an actual, easy to use system that
could answer these life-altering questions.
And most importantly, what if this system revealed
your unique inner qualities, that once recognized, could lead to the extraordinary life you were meant to live!
Unique Soul Blueprint Reveals Your True Life Purpose
The Numerology Personality Profile—a ground-breaking, easy to read and highly accurate
numerology report all about you—lets you discover the answers to these life-altering questions.

Created by
Matthew Oliver Goodwin, MIT graduate and renown author of "Numerology: The Complete Guide," the Numerology Personality Profile uses research-validated techniques that
penetrate to the core of your being to reveal your innermost strengths, weaknesses, deep inner needs and emotions.
Based on the letters and numbers associated with your name and birthdate, this powerful tool for self-discovery is like reading a
blueprint from your soul, allowing you to more fully understand just how special and unique a person you are.
By focusing on
your special inner traits that are
not always visible to yourself or others, you’ll be able see yourself in a new, comprehensive light.
Once you clearly recognize the diverse parts of your individuality and how they uniquely come together to make the person you are, you’ll finally
get a complete picture of the real you.
And, as you begin to express each aspect of your personality, you’ll start to
manifest the full potential you were born with,
shaping your life in more positive ways than you ever dreamed possible.
Knowing Your Self Can Make All The Difference In The World!
David Stone’s experience clearly illustrates the
importance of knowing your self, especially those aspects
outside of your current awareness. David was a computer programmer who at the age of 30 was making good money and advancing rapidly in his career.
something wasn’t right. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t rid himself of a profound feeling of dissatisfaction.
His Numerology Personality Profile indicated an intense love for people and an aptitude for communication. These
skills were emphasized; the analytic side of his character was just mentioned in passing.
At first David scoffed at the profile. Upon reflection, though, he began to realize that perhaps he’d been
overlooking an important part of himself.
Not long after, he went back to school and
became a satisfied, happy psychologist who couldn’t believe that he ever worked at a computer terminal. Becoming a psychologist was the last thing he thought he’d ever do.
David’s story is not that unusual.
We all have aspects of our self that are hidden from our view. Only when you recognize the richness of your complete personality can you attain the peace, success and fulfillment you desire.
A Powerful Tool For Understandings Others
Besides revealing the real you, the Numerology Personality Profile can also provide a profound way to
better understand one of the most important people in your life, your romantic partner.
You’ll be able to see what motivates them, why they do things the way they do, what their basic needs are. With this new understanding will come deeper appreciation and respect.
This expanded outlook can be the beginning of your relationship flourishing in new ways, creating a whole new level of love and
intimacy between you.
Children, too, can greatly benefit by getting their profiles. Once you better understand their true nature, you can
guide and encourage them as they are growing up, helping them to develop their
hidden strengths as well as support their growing needs.
What a great way to
give your kids a head start in life! And,
when they graduate high school or college, what a perfect gift to give them for their own self-empowerment!
What You’ll Learn About Yourself
The deep insights and confirmations you’ll gain from your Numerology Personality Profile can give you the confidence necessary to make life-inspiring changes. By reading your
own report, you’ll be able to:
Understand the important lessons you are learning, giving you a deeper appreciation of your life and its purpose.
Develop your existing talents and abilities to further your livelihood, relationships, leadership roles, finances and more.
Recognize your hidden strengths and talents, that once awakened, can help you create new opportunities in your personal life and career.
Understand your inner motivations and desires—what you really want from life—and the potential opportunities and challenges they present.
Improve those parts of yourself that are out of balance so that they work for you in positive ways instead of holding you back.
Deepen your relationships with those most important to you by gaining new insights and appreciation of who they really are when you also get a profile for them.
Tap the highest powers within yourself.
Awaken, develop and benefit from your spirituality.
Plus, unique information on how your current name has changed the emphasis of your talents, abilities and characteristics.
Whether you use the Numerology Personality Profile to examine your life, take advantage of unexplored opportunities, confirm talents that in your heart you know are there, or simply figure out where to go next, it is a
highly effective tool to help you better understand and
empower yourself.
To get this
special offer of the Numerology Personality Profile for yourself and loved ones,
simply click on the button below and discover how easy it is to
live more satisfying and fulfilling lives. And
when you
act today, you’ll
get 2 FREE Special Reports worth
$94 that will further enrich your life and relationships.
Plus, you’ll get a free edition of “
Prelude”—a riveting 5 Star Amazon.com reviewed metaphysical mystery that
shatters the myth of death, a must read for anyone who wants to
understand the meaning of life, as well as the Divine Soul Song “
Love, Peace and Harmony” that can elevate the vibrations of your environment.
How Does It Work?
Everything in the universe vibrates at its own particular frequency. By finding the
vibration rate of any object, you can establish the qualities and energies associated with it.
By applying the principles of the Science of Numerology, a practice that can be traced back some 10,000 years to Egypt and Babylonia, you can
determine your own major frequencies.
A numerical analysis of these calculated frequencies—using your name and birth date as the basic data—
provides significant information about your personality and character.
Using a combination of modern numerology and practical psychology, the Numerology Personality Profile reveals the meaning of the letters and numbers associated with your name and birth date—in surprisingly helpful ways.
You may also be surprised to learn that
Pythagoras, who developed many of the basic theorems that form the foundation of present-day mathematics (including the
right triangle theorem taught in math classes today), is credited with formally organizing the field of numerology about 2,600 years ago in ancient Greece.
Extensive Research Validates Accuracy of the Numerology Personality Profile

This remarkable report is the work of Matthew Oliver Goodwin, an
MIT graduate, architect, renown numerologist and
author of the highly acclaimed, “
Numerology: The Complete Guide.”
Goodwin devised an
advanced integrated system, similar to what a professional numerologist does in a personal reading, resulting in reports of unusually high quality and accuracy.

In fact, the Association for Research and Enlightenment, the
largest metaphysical organization in the U.S.,
conducted an extensive research project using the Numerology Personality Profile.
Their most significant finding—based on 1,000 participants—was that the
accuracy of these reports was a remarkably high 90% for the largest segment of test participants!
This resulted in the publication of “
New Findings In Numerology” by Mark Thurston, Ph.D. in their Venture Inward magazine.
What Others Are Saying About Their Numerology Personality Profiles
“My first thought was how could a report based on my name and birth date possibly be so accurate on so many levels? My Numerology Personality Profile has not left my desk since I received it and I refer to it constantly whenever I need insight or confirmation of my life experience.”
– David Bruck, Bruck Property Management
“When I first read my Numerology Personality Profile, I was absolutely amazed. It was extremely accurate and dead on with my personality, both past and present, and how I have evolved to be the person I am today. As a life coach, I know all too well how we can down play our strengths and even forget how incredible we are. I help clients to remember their greatness and would recommend these reports to them as another tool for introspection, awareness, and validation.”
– Mardi Allen, Life Coach, Author & Speaker
“I was amazed by the level of accuracy and the depth to which you took each issue. You presented everything very positively—clearly outlining strengths as well as areas for improvement.”
– Susan Whitfield, Editor
Anaheim, CA
“I was intrigued but skeptical about the Numerology Personality Profile. My first thought was that it would be like all the other personality profiles that I have taken over the years. I found that not to be true. These profiles are unique in that they not only address traits and abilities, but focus a lot on personal potential. I found the reports to be extremely accurate as they described me and my family quite well. They also gave me a better understanding of my husband and children and why they think and act the way they do. I highly recommend the Numerology Personality Profile to anyone considering it.”
– Marla Williams, Marketing Consultant
Sammamish, WA
“I found the Numerology Personality Profile to be so refreshing. It was a great guide to help me take a step back and look at the big picture, helping me to leverage my greatest strengths during these tough economic times.”
– Brad Murdock, Financial Analyst
“After knocking my head against the wall in multiple careers that didn’t fit for me, the Numerology Personality Profile helped make it clear that I was heading in the wrong direction.”
– Morgan Daugherty, Banking Associate
Newark, NJ
“I got a Numerology Personality Profile for every member of my family. I was surprised at the depth of insight included in the reports and the key details that were dead on and specific to each person. The reports remain on my mind, and have proved to be a valuable tool for parenting, coupling, and personal growth. I would recommend these reports to anyone.”
– Joy Saunders, Technical Editor
Seattle, WA
“What a great resource! It is so easy to get caught up in emotions and get a cloudy sense of my motivations. It is nice to have an objective measure to help me understand my behaviors.”
– Megan Hallock, Financing Officer
“I have no idea how these reports are generated, but they are scary accurate! I just read page after page and kept saying . . .‘Wow’. . . that is exactly who I am but have never put it into words. I never really took the time to think about who I am at this level of detail. It is quite insightful and well worth the time.”
– Ryan Jiminez, Software Programmer
San Jose, CA
“I was feeling a little disoriented in my life when a friend turned me on to one of these reports. I found that the Numerology Personality Profile really spoke to my situation and gave me new insight into myself. With this report I was able to make better decisions that lead to more rewarding experiences. It even opened up another dimension in my life where I am realizing potentials I never knew I had.”
– Zak Madrone
Get 2 FREE Special Reports Worth $94—Filled With Priceless Wisdoms—Plus 2 Surprise Bonuses
When You Order Your Numerology Personality Profile Today!
When you order the Numerology Personality Profile
today you’ll
get 2 free indepth reports, “
Opening The Mind, Igniting The Heart” and “
10 Winning Strategies for Loving, Successful Relationships” by Cheryl A. Malakoff, Ph.D., a psychologist and teacher with
25 years experience helping others to realize their true potential.
These special reports are filled with
priceless wisdoms that can help you to empower your own life as well as your romantic relationships.
Valued at $94, these exclusive gifts are a natural compliment to your
profile, and can further enrich your life experience!
Plus, you’ll get a “
Preview Edition of Prelude,” an intelligent and riveting
Metaphysical Mystery that
shatters the myth of death that has consistently gotten 5 Star reviews on Amazon.com, and the
Divine Soul Song mp3, “
Love, Peace and Harmony”.
BONUS #1: “Opening The Mind, Igniting The Heart”
Filled with profound, universal truths, this powerful report reveals important life lessons we all experience at one time or another in an easy to read and understand format. The author provides 144 “stepping stones,” based on her own life experiences, to
help lead you towards self-empowerment. These truths can also be used as powerful affirmations that act as valuable guideposts
for your personal transformation.
BONUS #2: “10 Winning Strategies for Loving, Successful Relationships”
This perceptive report combines the author’s 25 years of experience working with couples with her deep spiritual insights to give you the important keys that lead to more loving, fulfilling relationships. Discover what makes the difference between a relationship that struggles and one that’s successful, and why some couples are best friends while others feel like enemies. This
priceless information
can really make a difference, not just in your relationships but in your entire
BONUS #3: “Prelude—Every Life is a Prelude to the Next”
A thought provoking mystery that explores the existence of past lives from the perspective of both the scientific/medical community and the universe of metaphysical beliefs. These worlds converge in a hotly contested legal case over an unclaimed inheritance worth millions, the outcome of which threatens to upend legal, medical and religious institutions worldwide. This well-researched page-turner is sure to entertain you, and to enlighten you to the schools of thought challenging the ‘myth’ that death is the final chapter. More truth than fiction, Prelude is a must read for those who think about the meaning of life and what comes before and after.
BONUS #4: “Love, Peace & Harmony Soul Song and Lyrics”
Love, Peace and Harmony, a song received from the Divine, carries the high frequency and vibration of divine love, forgiveness, compassion and light. By listening to or chanting this soul song, your body naturally resonates with this elevated frequency, and responds by activating love, peace and harmony throughout your being. Play this song in your home and workplace to elevate the vibrations and experience more peace and harmony in your environment.
Find Out Now What Your Name Reveals About You.
Guaranteed Satisfaction—Over 1 Million People
Have Already Discovered It Works!
This is your chance to find out what your name and birth date reveal about you and the life you were meant to live. Though personal numerology consultations
can cost as much as $250, Matthew Goodwin’s expertise is now available to you for just $19.97.
Plus, when you
order today, you’ll
get 2 FREE Special Reports worth $94 that can further enrich your life and relationships, as well as a free edition of “
Prelude”—a riveting 5 Star Amazon.com reviewed metaphysical mystery that
shatters the myth of death. More truth then fiction, it’s a must read for anyone who wants to
understand the meaning of life!
You’ll also get the Divine Soul Song “
Love, Peace and Harmony” that can elevate the vibrations of your environment.
And, with our ur
30 Day Unconditional, Risk-Free Money-Back
Guarantee, you have absolutely nothing to lose...and a more meaningful, fulfilling life to gain!
If your profiles don’t read as though they were
personally written for you by Goodwin himself, if they are not everything you expect—and want, simply click the Customer Service link at the bottom of any page on our site and follow the instructions. You’ll
get a full refund, typically within 48 hours,
no questions asked.
This is the time to act.
Life is simply too short to not be living up to your full potential!
Join the over
1,012,000 people whose lives have already
benefited from a deeper understanding of their true life’s purpose.
To get comprehensive reports for yourself and loved ones, simply click the button below
and discover how to make the most of your strengths in a way that wasn’t possible before!